Fuelling Your Profits with Integrated Solutions
Water Management for Entire Complex
Raw water treatment
Boiler make up water treatment – UF/DM/RO/SWRO
Condensate and cooling water treatment
Waste water treatment and recycle of process streams and cooling tower blow down/utility waste water, to achieve zero discharge
Comprehensive O&M of complete water systems
Upgrading/retrofitting plants on BOT basis
24/7 service support
Supply of consumables like ion exchange resins, membranes, adsorbents, water treatment chemicals and antiscalants; supply of critical spares
Total water management consultancy
Speciality Process Chemical Treatment Programmes
Desalter programmes
Dewpoint neutralisers
Corrosion inhibitor / filmer programmes
Antifoulant treatment
Antifoam programmes
Hydrocarbon recovery and in situ crude tank cleaning programs
Diesel stabiliser programmes
Fuel pourpoint depressant programmes
Insitu cleaning programmes
Fuel lubricity additive programmes