The Right Prescription for the Pharma Industry’s Needs
In the pharmaceutical industry water is a major component and quality of water plays a critical role especially during production of the finished products. Ion Exchange offers superior technologies and integrated solutions for high purity water generation & distribution, with complete validation documentation support. We also offer a complete range of speciality resins for formulations and API; these are manufactured in a world class US FDA compliant, ISO 9001 & 14001 certified facility which is also WHO GMP certified.
High Purity Water Generation & Distribution
Hot water sanitising UFRO-EDI systems
Ozonation for loop disinfection
Water distribution systems
Total Water Management
Water/effluent treatment & recycle to achieve zero discharge
Comprehensive O&M of complete water system/circuits
Management of cooling and boiler water treatment
Speciality Products for Formulations & API
Pharmaceutical excipient resins
Adsorbent grade resins
Polymeric adsorbent resins for separation and purification
Speciality activated carbon